This time, we'll talk about our Commander.
Have you ever known you were right, and then later realized you were wrong? How could you be so wrong when you were SO RIGHT? When you are wrong, but think you are right, it totally dictates HOW you act and behave and believe.
For example, after I had lived in my house for 3+ years, I got a statement from the energy company saying (in my own words) "By the way, we never sent you a bill, statement or anything to indicate you owed us money, but this whole time you have been racking up a debt and now owe us $3000+ for energy used. And it is past due. Here's a bill."
My world view was I was paying those charges to someone else - the city. If you asked, I
Now that I had a correct view, I knew I would be shelling out more dough every month for utilities. But at least I had a correct view and wasn't going to go for another few years (or worse, for the rest of my life) only to realize I was living with the wrong information, and then be plowed over by a semi of life revealing how WRONG I was and how I wasted or misused my life.
Here it is, the one thing to remember from this post:
It is vital, paramount, essential, it is one of the most important things in life, to have a correct view of God, who He is and who He isn't.
Books you must read. If you haven't read them, do whatever it takes to get them!
- Chip Ingram - God as He longs for you to see him
AW Tozer - The Attributes of God, (also see Vol 1, Vol 2 & others with same title for extra reading) and The Pursuit of God
How do you let him use you to accomplish His purposes? Watch for where God is working, then join him there.
How do you get to know him more? Spend unhurried time with Him
(By the way, the energy company was gracious and we worked it out so I didn't have to pay the full balance)